Product Description

  • Mobil Pegasus 605

Mobil Pegasus™ 605 is a high performance natural gas engine oil primarily intended for the lubrication of modern medium and high-speed four-cycle engines operating on fuel that contains corrosive materials such as hydrogen sulphide or halogens (compounds containing chlorine, fluorine, etc.). These engines are generally of the lean-burn design where increased manifold pressures prevent sufficient lubricant from reaching the valve guide areas resulting in low oil consumption which can lead to valve guide wear and valve recession. 


Features and Benefits

Mobil Pegasus 605 Gas Engine Oil provides an additional margin of protection in those applications using contaminated fuel. Its excellent detergent / dispersant technology also results in cleaner engines, lower wear rates and improved engine performance. The use of this product can result in reduced maintenance costs and improved production capacity. Its excellent chemical and oxidation stability can result in longer drain periods and reduced filter costs. The high reserve alkalinity of this product allows its use in engines operating on fuels with low to moderate amounts of corrosive materials in the fuel gas.


Advantages and Potential Benefits

Optimised TBN and Reserve Alkalinity

Controls wear and corrosion when using contaminated gas
Protects valve seats and faces on four-cycle engines
Controls combustion chamber ash formation and improves spark plug performance

Outstanding Anti-wear and Anti-scuff Properties

Lower wear of engine components
Reduced scuffing of liners in highly loaded gas engines
Provides excellent break-in protection

Excellent Oxidation and Chemical Stability

Cleaner engines
Extended drain intervals
Reduced filter costs
Excellent resistance to oxidation and nitration

Effective Corrosion Resistance

Reduces valve guide wear in four-cycle gas engines
Protects bearings and internal components

Exceptional Detergent / Dispersant Properties

Neutralises formation of acids in the oil
Protection of upper cylinder and valve train components
Cleaner engines
Longer filter life

Non-zinc and Non-phosphorus Formulation

Improves catalytic converter performance and longer life



Note: Engines operating on fuel gas with elevated levels of sulphur or halogens should also have coolant (jacket water) and oil temperatures raised.

  • Gas engines operating on fuel that contains moderate levels of hydrogen sulphide (H2S)
  • Engines operating on fuel containing other corrosive materials such as TOHCl (Total Organic Halides as Chloride) such as landfill or biomas gas
  • Spark ignited four-cycle gas engines with very low lube oil consumption
  • Medium and high speed four-cycle engines equipped with catalytic converters requiring a low ash gas engine oil
  • Engines experiencing valve train wear and corrosion
  • Reciprocating compressors operating on natural gas that contains sulphur or chlorine compounds
  • High output or naturally aspirated engines operating at or in excess of rated capacity under high temperatures


Mobil Pegasus 605 is available in:

SAE Grade 40


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