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Mobiltherm 605

Mobiltherm 605

Regular price ₱38,082.00 PHP
Regular price Sale price ₱38,082.00 PHP
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Product Description

  • Mobiltherm 605

Mobiltherm heat transfer oils are high performance products intended for use in closed indirect heating installations. They are recommended for use in cold-oil sealed, indirect heating and cooling systems in all kinds of industrial processes.


Features and Benefits

Mobiltherm oils are important members of the Mobil brand of specialty fluids that have gained a reputation for performance and reliability, even in severe applications. Modern refining techniques are a key factor in providing the excellent product features.



Advantages and Potential Benefits

High resistance to thermal cracking and decomposition

Free from sludge and coke deposits and minimum interference with heat transfer capability and minimized maintenance needs

Excellent thermal properties

High heat transfer rates and improved operating efficiency and lower operating costs

Good thermal and oxidative stability

Long trouble free service life and reduced downtime

Good low temperature fluidity

Easy starting of cold systems



Mobiltherm 600 series can be used in open and closed installations where the bulk oil temperature ranges are as outlined in the table below.

  • Mobiltherm 603: Closed Systems (up to 285º C), Open Systems (up to 150º C)
  • Mobiltherm 605: Closed Systems (up to 315º C), Open Systems (up to 180º C)
  • Mobiltherm 610: Open systems (up to 250°C)
  • Mobiltherm 611: Open systems (up to 275°C)


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Why Mobil™

Mobil™ lubricants have a legacy of innovation and decades of proven performance, helping to boost productivity across a variety of demanding applications. Our world-class engineers work closely with leading original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to help guide our chemists and formulators during product development.

Regardless of the application or the industry, Mobil™ can help you tackle the challenges of today with the next-generation technologies of tomorrow.

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Advancing Productivity is our commitment to business sustainability solutions built from high-performance products, lubrication services and industry expertise to help deliver operational safety, reduce environmental impact and improve productivity.

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